Weight: 179.0 LBS (NO CHANGE for week, DOWN 0.5 LBS total)
BF: 8.1% (according to the calipers I have) (NO change)
Neck: 15-1/2" (NO change)
Chest: 39" (NO change for week, DOWN 1/2" total)
Shoulders: 46-3/4" (DOWN 1/2" for the week, DOWN 3/4" total)
Biceps: 13-1/2" (EVEN for week, NO change total)
Waist: 33-1/4" (EVEN for week, UP 1/2" total)
Thighs: 19-3/4" (UP 1/4" for week, NO CHANGE total)
Calves: 15" (UP 1/4" for week, NO CHANGE total)
Adonis Effect: 1.421 (DOWN 0.015 for the week, UP 0.001 total)
My lungs and breathing were good today so I tried to crank out the flying Romans a little faster. I got a set of 30 (15 per leg) in about 40 seconds. That's down from 45 so I'll take it!
Before hopping on the bike, I walked at a good pace for 5 minutes or so.
Here are today's intervals:
- Bike, Intensity 1 (warm up), 5:20
- Jumping Jacks, Intensity 2, 3:00 ± (160 jumps)
- Jog, Intensity 2, 4:40 ±
- Flying Romans, Intensity 3, 40 seconds (15 each leg)
- Jog, Intensity 2, 4:00 ±
- Bike, Intensity 2, 4:00 ±
- Jumping Jacks, Intensity 2, 3:00 ± (about 160 jumps)
- Flying Romans, Intensity 3, 40 seconds (15 each leg)
- Jog/Walk (cool down), Intensity 1, 5:30 (jogged 4:00, walked 1:30)
Abs tight today.
Left heel was better today while working out. It's hard to explain, but the feeling has changed. There's still discomfort but it's almost as if the site has begun to itch. Weird. This says to me, though, that progress is being made in the pain-free direction.
Calves and feet got stretched for 2 minutes per side today.
For breakfast I had the last remaining quarter of this recipe leftover from last week. Along with the crustless quiche, I also had two pieces of grilled eggplant (see photo below), a fresh Roma tomato, and half of a green and half of a red bell pepper sauteed with a quarter red onion in coconut oil.

Mid-morning snack was the usual yogurt, ground flax seed, and whey protein isolate powder.
At lunch time, I got, no I didn't. A green pepper stuffed with tuna salad along with a zucchini salad was the meal of choice today.
Mid-afternoon, I polished off a hard boiled whole egg and another egg white and the raw nut mix of cashews, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and almonds.
Leftover meatloaf served as dinner along with a bunch of veggies including green beans with onions and mushrooms, fresh organic broccoli from the farmer's market, and a mix of steamed carrots, green beans, and corn. Holy nutrition.
Later in the evening, 2 oz. of organic, raw milk cheddar cheese went down the hatch for a snack.
Back to the weights tomorrow!
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