The proud Godparents...

The happy family and Pastor Megan...

The whole gang...

The Week 12, Day 2 workout included 2 supersets of arms followed by a superset of ab work.
Superset 1: DB Concentration Curls, Cable Push Downs
Superset 2: Twisting DB Curls, Dips (tricep version)
Superset 3: Plank (1 minute hold on stability ball), Stability Ball Jackknife
Total Time => 37:28
It seems my biceps and triceps are getting significantly stronger each week.
Stability ball plank holds were tough when combined with the jackknifes (jackknives??...haha).
Worked out later in the day (6:30 P.M. ±) today and felt like I had more strength.
The hotel we stayed at provided us (ok, me at least) with vouchers for the hot breakfast buffet. This was not a high-end meal but not too bad, either. Comparable to the $10 buffets out in Vegas. Anyway, since this was not a post-workout meal, I ditched the carbs and had a plate full of scrambled eggs with some bacon and sausage while waiting for my made-to-order omelet. (:
The omelet was actually quite good. The kitchen stuffed it full of green peppers, onions, mushrooms, ham, and cheddar cheese. Holy protein.
Lunch after church and the baptism was family-style Chinese. I could have went nutso and pigged out because everything was so good but I kept a solid hold on the reins. Amish pumpkin pie and ice cream made up dessert. Somehow I managed to only have one piece of that, too. Clearly I was not focused. (~:
On the way back to Columbus, I did a little post workout meal pre-planning and stopped at my college-days employer, Pizza Oven (a local Italian family run establishment), for a take out pizza. I took home a bianco (white) pizza topped with olive oil, salt, pepper, mushrooms, and provolone cheese. Ahhh the memories!
After shoveling the 'za in my face just like the old days, I had some leftover sweet potato pie for dessert. What a wild day of eating this was...
So glad to be home, too.
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