Not too long before my wife determined it was in her best interest to not consume dairy or gluten, I had hooked her on homemade waffles (and pancakes). My mom could make a heck of a waffle so they were Sunday morning, post-church comfort food for me growing up. But how to make them gluten free, dairy free, AND taste good had me scratching my head.
I had been craving waffles lately and then it happened. One of the blogs I follow, Mark's Daily Apple (thanks, Heather), recently posted a link to a grain-free waffle recipe. With a substitution of coconut milk for cow's milk we made it dairy free, too. Beautiful!
Grain-free Gluten-free Waffles:
- 2 Tbsp melted coconut oil
- 3 eggs
- 3 Tbsp milk (we used coconut milk)
- 2 Tbsp vanilla extract
- Optional – 1 Tbsp maple syrup, honey, or other sweetener (we'll use more next batch)
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 3 Tbsp coconut flour
Then, thinly spread over your waffle iron – I didn’t need to use nonstick spray for these. You’ll want to just barely cover the “hole” lumps of the waffle iron, because this batter expands a lot.
Close the iron and wait several minutes, until the steam stops coming out quite as much. If you want, you can open it to peek… it won’t hurt anything. When the steam isn’t as crazy, and the waffles are starting to brown, remove them to a plate.
The verdict? Delicious!I would not hesitate to serve these to any waffle lover.
The Week 11, Day 2 workout included 2 supersets of arms followed by a superset of ab work.
Superset 1: DB Concentration Curls, Cable Push Downs
Superset 2: Twisting DB Curls, Dips (tricep version)
Superset 3: Plank (1 minute hold on stability ball), Stability Ball Jackknife
Total Time => 38:29
It seems my biceps and triceps are getting significantly stronger each week.
Stability ball plank holds were tough when combined with the jackknifes (jackknives??...haha).
Mowed the lawn (again) this afternoon for some "extra credit" cardio.
Breakfast was later in the morning after my workout and included waffles (see above) covered in homemade chocolate syrup (maple syrup and coco powder) and homemade bacon from my friends at Bluescreek Farm Meats. Awesome breakfast, fun pictures. :)

Since breakfast was late today, I skipped lunch and had a mid-afternoon snack of cottage cheese and raw walnuts, almonds, brazils, and cashews.
Earlier in the day, I dusted off the crock pot (literally) and put dinner in to cook. A 3+ LB lamb shoulder roast (also from Bluescreek Farm Meats) simmered all day long in chicken broth, spices, and onions. Outstanding. I think I could have eaten the whole was that good.
Before bed, I had my 30g of whey protein isolate powder and called it a day.
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