Saturday, October 10, 2009

Optimum Anabolics - Day 71/Soul Fitness

Too often my focus gets caught up in the physical aspects of life...workouts, nutrition, work, business, etc. Being in excellent Overall Fitness, however, involves balance and not just the kind where you stand on one foot. I'm talking about the well-being of your soul.

Mid-morning today, Christina and I made the trek to downtown C'bus to attend the 2009 version of the Universal Light Expo. This year there were over 300 vendors advertising and/or selling services such as reiki, psychic readings, massage, alternative medicine and selling items like jewelry, gems and stones, and hand crafted items.

This was our first time attending and what a great experience it was. I left feeling very energized and peaceful. We saw many friends from our spiritual community, met all sorts of interesting people, and were introduced to new stuff we had not seen or heard of previously. For example, one vendor was relieving back stress/pain by manipulating various bones just by asking them to move. I'm all about alternative medicine so this was incredible stuff.

My point is that sometimes we all need to put aside our physical body and play with our soul. It needs attention, too.

What do you do to give your soul the attention it needs? Listen to music? Meditate? Cook? Paint? Blog (hehe)?


Week 11 of the Optimum Anabolics program is the 2nd of 3 weeks of lighter workouts. Rest period remains at 3 minutes between supersets and the number of repetitions of each exercise are reasonable.

Superset 1: Lying Cable Pullovers, Barbell Military Press
Superset 2: Dip Bar Shrugs, Side DB Raises
Superset 3: DB Shrugs, Twisting DB Presses

Total Time => 36:19


I was pleased with the weights I was able to do with these exercises.

It was a good workout despite not needing to push my muscles to failure.

I took a 15 minute bike ride after the weights for some light cardio work.


Before heading out to the expo this morning, I cranked up the blender and made a "chocoffee" smoothie to get me going.
  • 1 C of chilled Cafe Brioso coffee
  • 1 C of Snowville Creamery whole milk
  • 2 scoops of plain whey protein isolate powder
  • 2 TBS of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 TBS Udo's Oil blend
  • 2 TBS+ of coconut milk
  • 1/4 tsp stevia
  • 1/4 tsp Xanthan gum
Christina and I ate lunch out today at Ted's (as in Ted Turner) Montana Grill. We had not been in a long while and once again left happy. The corporation behind the name gets more impressive every time I go there. Here are some highlights...
  • Fresh, never frozen, bison meat direct from Ted's ranch
  • Extensive gluten-free menu
  • Use of recycled paper for menus and table coverings
  • Use of low energy bulbs and fixtures
  • Paper straws
  • Complimentary pickles (instead of rolls!) made fresh daily
Pretty cool, huh?

Needless to say, we both had bison burgers (no bun!) along with plenty of pickles and green beans for me.

It was pizza time for dinner after my workout. We used Gluten Free Pantry's crust and topped it off with peppers, onion, mushrooms, tomato sauce, and home made grass fed beef sausage. My "zah" also had grass fed mozzarella cheese all over it. Tremendous.

For dessert, I snarfed down two cookies I picked up today from Omega Aristan Baking at The North Market. I might or might not have had a bowl of cookies and cream ice cream, too.

Just before heading off for the night, I shook up a quick protein drink.

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