My results continue to be rather so-so. Considering the program says this 3 week period (Weeks 4, 5, and 6) are designed to be easier on the muscles, I guess this makes some sense.
One more week of light (relatively) lifting then it's back to pushing my muscles hard. Also, after 6 weeks of the same ol', same ol', my diet will change significantly. Stay tuned!
Weight: 179.0 LBS (UP 1.0 LB for week, DOWN 0.5 LBS total)
BF: 8.1% (according to the calipers I have) (NO change)
Neck: 15-1/2" (NO change)
Chest: 39" (NO change for week, DOWN 1/2" total)
Shoulders: 47-1/4" (UP 1/2" for the week(!!), DOWN 1/4" total)
Biceps: 13-1/2" (UP 1/4" for week, NO change total)
Waist: 33-1/4" (UP 1/2" for week, UP 1/2" total)
Thighs: 19-1/2" (DOWN 1/4" for week, DOWN 1/4" total)
Calves: 14-3/4" (NO change for week, DOWN 1/4" total)
Adonis Effect: 1.421 (UP 0.018 for the week, UP 0.016 total)
My lungs and breathing were quite good today again so I jogged and rode the bike even faster today than yesterday.
I should mention that I've been walking at a good pace for 5 minutes or so prior to hopping on the bike for the first interval.
Here is today's intervals:
- Bike, Intensity 1 (warm up), 5:00
- Jumping Jacks, Intensity 2, 3:00 ± (160 jumps)
- Jog, Intensity 2, 5:00 ±
- Flying Romans, Intensity 3, 45 seconds (15 each leg)
- Jog, Intensity 2, 4:00 ±
- Bike, Intensity 2, 4:00 ±
- Jumping Jacks, Intensity 2, 3:00 ± (about 170 jumps)
- Flying Romans, Intensity 3, 45 seconds (15 each leg)
- Jog/Walk (cool down), Intensity 1, 5:45 (jogged 3:30, walked 1:45)
Abs STILL feeling those reverse ball crunches!
Left heel was better today. Must keep stretching and rolling!
Calves and feet got stretched for 2 minutes per side today rather than the usual 1 minute per side.
For breakfast I another quarter of this new recipe from yesterday. Very, very good!
Along with the crustless quiche I also had Christina's homemade salsa. I used half a yellow bell pepper as a scoop. No fried corn chips necessary!
Everything all together...

How to use a pepper for a salsa scoop...

Mid-morning snack was the usual yogurt, ground flax seed, and whey protein isolate powder.
My lunch was the remaining wasabi salmon from Day 32 as well as a blended zucchini salad on the side.
Negative on the mid-afternoon snack today. I ran some errands at lunch and wound up getting back to the office much later than planned. The boss also let us go a little early today since this was the Friday before a holiday weekend. Woo!
No snack meant it was time for dinner when I got home. Tonight it was Spanish-spiced shrimp from our favorite cookbook along with some steamed broccoli and lima beans. Here is my delicious plate of goods...
Pre-bed snack was a 1/2 scoop of whey protein isolate powder and a little water.
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