Yesterday, I was listening to 2 guys talk about the answer to the "are you in shape" question and I was very intrigued by the points they were making. In the end, it really does depend on your definition of "in shape".
For example, take a sprinter and a marathon runner. For the marathoner, being "in shape" probably means they can get through 26.2 miles in a time that they desire. For the sprinter, they're looking to get, say, 100 meters down the track as fast as they can. Both people are runners. Two different definitions of "in shape".
Now to really throw you a curve ball. Is a Sumo wrestler "in shape"? Watching them maneuver around the ring and challenge their opponent you might respond "yep". However, what if you saw them at the Japanese steakhouse pounding down a heaping plate of stir-fry? Most likely you'd offer the opposite response.
Next time you're thinking "I need to get in shape", consider YOUR definition first before putting on your gym shoes. Do you want to run a 5K race? Are you looking to increase your arm size? Do you want to be able to do just the simple things in life like taking long walks with the dog or playing hide-and-seek with your kids?
Now that you've got your definition nailed down, get up and get in shape! (~:
Today was a repeat of Day 25. All 3 supersets of the Day 4, Week 5 workout were focused on the back.
Superset 1: Straight Arm Pull Down, Pull Ups (Assisted)
Superset 2: Wide Arm Cable Row, Close Grip Lat Pull Down
Superset 3: Close Grip Cable Row, Wide Arm Lat PD
Total Time => 40:15
I did well at pre-setting the weights today and meeting the prescribed rest periods. To get this done in one minute or less meant go, go, go!
Weights used today were a touch heavy. This will be adjusted next week.
My shoulders are still sore today. It sure didn't feel like I worked them that hard.
Breakfast started off with a one egg, two egg white omelette with peppers, onions, and homemade Italian sausage for mix-ins. Carbs were a big handful of red grapes (and a few that tried to escape back into the bowl) and an oaty cake with butter, of course, and 2 TBS of pure HOME PRODUCED(!!) Ohio Grade A Maple Syrup from the farmer's market. This is special maple syrup, readers. Congratulations to my new favorite maple syrup guy, Craig Richardson, on his Pelotonia bike ride last week! Talk about being in! ;-)
Mid-morning snack was a 1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 T of ground flax seed, and 1/3 scoop plain whey protein isolate powder.
Lunch was a tuna salad stuffed bell pepper. Who needs bread?! This was a genius idea! On the side, I had a blended zucchini salad. The recipe is here.
My mid-afternoon snack was a carton of Little Debbie's and a 2 liter of Faygo Red. Haha, just checking to see if you're paying attention. 2 egg whites, 1 yolk and my raw nut cocktail went down the hatch around 4:00.
Dinner tonight was chicken fajitas! As usual, we went all out. Christina made the salsa, guacomole, cut up our veggies and marinaded the chicken for grilling. I manned the grill (fire!) and sauteed up some onions, garlic and green beans for my side.
Here's my plate...

It was quite the feast as you can see! Looking for the tortilla? Nope. Turnip green wraps tonight. Dee-licious!
After fajita fest, there was no need for a pre-bed snack tonight.
See you tomorrow for the last day of lifting for Week 5!
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