The Optimum Anabolics Program keeps a 5 day weight routine followed by 2 off days (cardio optional). Taking measurements before the next 5 day weight cycle seemed like as good a time as any to check in.
Reviewing your numbers (plus your workout and diet compliance) for the week let you know if you need to make changes or just keep plugging along for the next 7 days.
Here are my stats as of Day 7:
Weight: 179.5 LBS
BF: 8.1% (according to the calipers I have)
Neck: 15-1/2"
Chest: 39-1/2"
Shoulders: 47-1/2"
Biceps: 13-1/2"
Waist: 33"
Thighs: 19-3/4"
Calves: 15"
Adonis Effect: 1.439
This is my first set of numbers since starting Optimum Anabolics because I'm quite certain my body was a swollen mess after a week long vacation. I'm starting to see some definition return and hope that trend continues as I work through Week 2.
Week 2 brings some extra sets in the weight room with decreased rest periods. Nutritionally, I'm going to keep things about the same in terms of calories but the quality of my grub should go up this week. Vacation foods are pretty well bye-bye and there are no ball games to attend this week so I should have no problems keeping the diet tight. I'd like to see those veins around my waistline return ;-)
It was another day away from the weights today. Muscles resting and building as we speak. (~:
Here was today's intervals:
- Bike, Intensity 1 (warm up), 5:00
- Jump Rope, Intensity 2, 3:15 ± (about 300 revolutions...a little faster today)
- Jog, Intensity 2, 4:45 ±
- Sprint (all out!), Intensity 3, 30 seconds
- Jog, Intensity 2, 3:00
- Bike, Intensity 2, 4:00 ±
- Jump Rope, Intensity 2, 3:15 ± (300 revolutions)
- Sprint, Intensity 3, 30 seconds
- Jog/Walk (cool down), Intensity 1, 7:13-ish (I lightly jogged for 5:00)
Shoulders and chest still a little tight today.
Feet and calves are sore from the absence of cardio for a couple of weeks. Some stretching tomorrow should help that.
My interval times today were much more per the pre-determined schedule. I extended things out a bit at the end just to walk a bit.
Today was a good nutritional day!
For breakfast, I started off with some veggies sauteed up with a whole egg, 2 eggs whites, and an ounce of goat cheese. On the side is a piece of sour oat bread and a little butter. Yeah, I totally wound up covering that piece with the good stuff! (`;

I followed up the eggs and veggies with an orange and kiwi. That preceded this combo of ingredients:

I called this bad boy a toffee smoothie. Friggin' fantastic bolt of energy out of this one!
If you're wondering, yes, that is espresso flavored whey and it is AWESOME(!!) except for the fact that it's loaded with chemicals and artificial sweeteners. Once it's gone, it's gone. Poisoning the body = bad idea.
Mid-morning snack was a 1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 T of ground flax seeds, and 1/3 scoop plain whey protein isolate powder.
Lunch was grass-fed beef burgers wrapped in 2 collard green leaf "buns" with goat cheese. On the side I had a nice plateful of blanched green beans from our local farmers market. I sprinkled them with a bit of salt and man were they tasty. You can't beat this time of year in Ohio for all the fresh produce to be had!
Mid-afternoon snack was 2 hard boiled egg whites and one yolk along with a handful of raw nut mix (cashews, almonds, walnuts).
For dinner it was Green Monster time again!
- 1/2 banana frozen
- 1/2 C strawberries frozen
- 1 tsp Carlsons lemon flavored fish oil
- Couple handfuls of fresh organic spinach
- 1 C water
No pre-bed snack tonight. Took my usual supplements of BCAA's and L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate then it was off to bed.
The weights return to the program tomorrow! After a couple days off, I'm looking forward to it!
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