We are getting a new roof as I type, though, thanks to 2 hurricane force windstorms last fall and spring. Crazy Ohio weather!
I'm really glad I got my cardio workout in this morning since there's roofing debris EVERYWHERE around our house right now. It didn't hurt that it was a gorgeous 57* outside this morning and the moon was so bright I thought one of the condos behind us had left a flood light on! Can't ask for much more than that in August!
It was great to get the legs and lungs pumping again today. My lungs definitely felt the 2 week layoff, however. No worries, though, because I plan to fit in a few more cardio days right after my weight workouts. I have been missing my longer runs, too, but those will have to wait for a bit.
Here was today's intervals:
- Bike, Intensity 1 (warm up), 5:00
- Jump Rope, Intensity 2, 3:45 ± (about 300 revolutions)
- Jog, Intensity 2, 5:45 ±
- Sprint (all out!), Intensity 3, 30 seconds
- Jog, Intensity 2, 4:30
- Bike, Intensity 2, 2:00 ±
- Jump Rope, Intensity 2, 3:30 ± (300 revolutions...faster this time!)
- Sprint, Intensity 3, 30 seconds
- Jog/Walk (cool down), Intensity 1, 5:00
Shoulders and chest feeling a little tight today.
Legs and booty still a little sore.
Abs were finally calmed down.
My interval times today did not go at all as scheduled. Pretty much, I overestimated how far I could ride or jog in the time allotted. Adjustments will be made tomorrow!
Again, I'm still eating some vacation foods by my diet was pretty solid today. I noticed I was a little hungry this PM so that means I'm getting a little fat burning going on. That's good!
For breakfast, I finished off the last of the kiszka (the horror!) with tomatoes and ketchup. I FINALLY got to have a piece of the raw cornbread that had been "non-cooking" in the oven the past few days. Good stuff!! For dessert it was a cut up nectarine and apple. Wow that was a good combination!

Here's the raw cornbread before "un-baking"...

Mid-morning snack was a 1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 T of ground flax seeds, and 1/3 scoop plain whey protein isolate powder.
Lunch was homemade chicken salad wrapped in a collard green leaf "tortilla". I also ate up some cut up green and red peppers and carrots. It's not been mentioned yet, but lunch typically ends with 4-6 oz of kombucha. It's totally refreshing and as a bonus, it knocks out any sweet cravings I might have (which is all the time after a meal !).
Mid-afternoon snack was 2 hard boiled egg whites and one yolk along with a handful of raw nut mix (cashews, almonds, walnuts).
For dinner it was Green Monster time again!
- 1/2 banana frozen
- 1/2 C strawberries frozen
- 1 tsp Carlsons lemon flavored fish oil
- Couple handfuls of fresh organic spinach
- 1 C water
- 1 scoop plain whey protein isolate powder
As a snack before bed, I'll probably go with a 1/2 cup of lowfat cottage cheese again. Good stuff!
The morning brings a repeat of today's cardio workout then it's back to the weights on Day 8. I'll be ready for the iron again by then!
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